Stepped-up Basisと相続税条約

By October 21st, 2021 December 29th, 2021 税務の現場から


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官僚との接触を通じ、思いがけない経験をした事がある。Stepped-up basis(内国歳入法1014(f)条)に関する財務省規則草案が発表された直後、「日本の居住者が米国資産を遺して亡くなった場合で、相続税条約上の恩典を使えば米国エステートタックスが生じないはずなのに、諸々の理由にてエステートタックス申告書&条約開示(=Forms 706NA & 8833)が未提出だった場合、当該米国資産についてはStepped-up basisが適用できるのか否か」尋ねたところ、「そうしたシナリオについて、財務省規則草案は想定していないので、答えは無い。最終規則を作る過程で参考にするので、連邦政府宛てにコメントを提出してくれ」と頼まれた。


A comparative reading of Prop. Regs. 1.1014-10(b) and 1.1014-10(c)(3)(ii) points that the consistent basis requirement does not apply to any property that is includible in the decedent’s gross estate from which no tax arises regardless whether the filing requirement under IRC Sec 6018 with respect to the decedent’s estate has been met. In the case of a noncitizen nonresident decedent’s estate, the estate is subject to the IRC Sec 6018 filing requirement if such part of the gross estate as is situated in the US exceeds $60,000. However, it could nevertheless not owe any US estate tax provided the decedent was a resident of one of the few countries whose death tax treaty with the US provides the prorated unified credit as referenced in IRC Sec 2012(b)(3)(A) , the prorated unified credit completely offsets the decedent’s gross estate tax, and the treaty-based position is disclosed on a Form 8833 attached to the decedent’s estate tax return (Form 706-NA) per Reg. 301.6114-1(a)(1)(i).

Since claiming the prorated unified credit under a treaty is predicated on the treaty-based position disclosure, I would like to suggest that the final regulation specify that a noncitizen nonresident decedent’s estate meeting the IRC Sec 6018 filing requirement needs to file a US estate tax return with a proper treaty-based position disclosure in order to avoid being subject to the consistent basis requirement even if the prorated unified credit would completely offset its gross estate tax.


筆者の紹介 ― 河村好司(。Reiwa Accounting にて移転価格やクロスボーダー事業、取引に関する税務コンサルティングを行う。税務調査、不服申し立て立ち合いの経験も豊富。今後も、実務にて得た経験をベースに寄稿予定。